Health & Nutrition

As the beauty industry thrives on marketing miracle products and treatments, society seems to have forgotten that our integumentary system AKA our skin is our largest organ, specifically a waste elimination organ! Just like every other organ in our body, what we eat, think and the lifestyle we lead all play a role, whether that be positive or negative, on how we function. This is why at House of Maxx we have a Health Coach to analyse your diet, lifestyle and mental space to determine areas in need of improvement to not only have radiant and stable skin but a vibrant life too.


If you suffer from Eczema/Dermatitis, Rosacea, Acne, Psoriasis, PCOS, dry flaky skin, food intolerances, an autoimmune condition, bloating or digestive issues or are just not happy with how you are feeling internally you could benefit from a Health Coach.

Skin Coaching

Initial Health Coaching – $250

Our Initial Health Coaching is 4 weeks of accountability involving 2x online video consultations and weekly emails to offer tailored advice and check in on your progress.

We gain insight to your health through a Detailed Health History form, Candida score, food diary and facial scans* . Your health coach will teach you how to listen to your body, intuitively look after your health long term, clean up your diet and lifestyle and live a more balanced life which in turn will help clear up skin conditions.

“Not all gut issues present in the skin, but all skin issues start from the gut” – Makayla

*Facial scans help show systemic inflammation, deficiency and hydration levels. These are taken during your Skin Consultation and facial treatments.

Follow Up Health Coaching – $200

If 4 weeks of coaching was too short and you aren’t ready to face the world alone, we are here to offer extended support.

Your Follow Up Health Coaching consists of 2x online video consultations and fortnightly emails over the course of 8 weeks to delve deeper into your health and answer any questions or concerns that may pop up for you over time.

MaxxByMakayla is a lifestyle brand that was established in 2015 consisting of holistic skin clinic House of Maxx and internal range MaxxBeautyTonic.

We VALUE being INCLUSIVE of the COMMUNITY we live amongst, creating an EMPOWERING and POSITIVE space to challenge current beauty standards and change the narrative within the beauty industry to be one of INNOVATION and EDUCATION whilst keeping in mind to be as SUSTAINABLE as possible both environmentally and individually.