Mucosa Powder


(gf, grf and sf)

Replenishing – Healing – Rebuilding

Mucosa Powder is our gut friendly, versatile friend! Support your microbiome by adding Mucosa Powder into your daily routine by adding to homemade protein balls, smoothies or simply with a spoonful of butter mixture.


14 Strain Probiotic – gut balancing, microbiome reseeding

Glutamine – tissue healing amino acid

Bovine Colostrum – immune boosting antibody proteins

How to

Combine contents of the Mucosa container with 250grams of softened grass fed butter, ½ cup extra virgin cold pressed olive oil, ½ cup virgin cold pressed coconut oil & 2 TBS of raw honey in a blender.

Consume 1 tablespoon of mixture daily in any way you like as long as it is not heated! We love to blend the butter mixture with MBT Chocolate Mylk powder, Almond meal, nuts & seeds to create healing bliss balls!

Mucosa can also be added to the MBT Collagen range: empty contents of mucosa powder into collagen powder and shake. Take 1-3 scoops in a glass of room temperature water nightly.

MaxxByMakayla is a lifestyle brand that was established in 2015 consisting of holistic skin clinic House of Maxx and internal range MaxxBeautyTonic.

We VALUE being INCLUSIVE of the COMMUNITY we live amongst, creating an EMPOWERING and POSITIVE space to challenge current beauty standards and change the narrative within the beauty industry to be one of INNOVATION and EDUCATION whilst keeping in mind to be as SUSTAINABLE as possible both environmentally and individually.